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The second official popularity poll of "Chainsaw Man" has come to an unexpected conclusion.

  1: Nameless Reader (Translated by.) Power-chan, are you losing it?   4: Nameless Reader (Translated by...) You're in first place, Power-chan... 122: Nameless Reader (Translated by...) I'm sure Power will come out again. If possible, please don't change your appearance. 11: Nameless Reader (Translated by: ω・´) If I do it now, Makima will fall considerably. 23: Nameless Reader (Translated by.) >>11 It's a result of what I'm doing now. 26: No-name readers (Translated by.) >>11 This is the poll you did for Kuzmakima. 16: Nameless Reader (Translated by) Makima, you have a nice smile.   113: Nameless Reader (Translated by...) Only Makima's image is malicious. 5: Nameless Reader (Translated by: ω・´) There's nothing to like about Makima. 480: Nameless Reader (Translated by...) >>5 You're lying. ......   77: Nameless Reader (Translated by: ω・´) I'm sure you'll choose Makima. Chain Saw Man: Mr. Makima 7: Nameless Reader (Translated by: ...

[Chainsaw Man] The bomb demon, or whatever it was, was so strong that it raised the fun factor of the work to the bottom.

  One. I'm going to have to kill him by surprise before he transforms. Thirty-six. Boom! 2 That's where the level suddenly went up, right? 3 I really like the self-destruct technique. 4 I don't know how I'm going to get by with just my right arm from here. 44 >>4 No! 6 That's peak chainsaw man! Seven. >>6 That's where he became the best chainsaw man. Hell 22 I really enjoyed the Rezei Arc. I'd have been happy if he'd joined up with the others like he did in JUMP, but then he wouldn't have looked like a chainsaw man, so that's the dilemma. 11 I don't understand why the moldy demon didn't work. 14 >>11 Can you wear it on your head? ↓ It's only possible on living things...? What? 15 >>11 I'm guessing it's a resurrection, like the chainsaw man. 17 >>15 >>15 I don't understand why they couldn't put it on his head. In Devilman, the moldy demon continues to do damage even after drinking blo...

Good news] TV animation "Chengsao Man" fully funded by MAPP and Shueisha without a production committee: !!!!

  One. This is serious. Two. This is a company effort. Four. Looks like they're figuring out how to make money. What's the point if you don't take the risk? Eleven. >>4 If it doesn't sell, you're screwed. 879 11 >>4 Even if the anime doesn't sell, if it promotes the manga, it's a success. 8 If it's a sure-fire way to make money, the production committee will just get in trouble. 15 >>8 I'm guessing they were hoping for success. 10 It's a high-risk, high-reward game. 21 It's not worth sharing the profits if you have a chance of winning. I guess they got a taste of that with Onimitsune and Jujutsu Kaisen. 32 I'm sure they'll make a lot of money if they can produce a second Onimitsune. Every anime company is aiming for Onimitsubaru. 13 Even if they don't go as far as Onimitsune, they'll make a lot of money if they can hit the Jujutsu level. 6 Is it okay if we don't have a committee? I don't know. 9 >...

The biggest mystery of the Blade of Extinction, "Why did Musan-sama bother to dress as a woman?

 1 The greatest mystery of demise Three. When he sees D'Angelo, he remembers Yoriichi, and he's desperately trying to disguise himself. 5 🥺: Scary, scary, scary 11 I was a man in Western clothes when D'Angelo found me, so I became a woman in Japanese clothes. 15 >>11 It's so short-sighted. 482 15 >>11 You're a miserable head. 17 Too stupid to be cute. 2 Hobbies Nine. Hobbies. Seven. Of course it's a hobby. Thirty-two. It's been a while since I've seen Tamayo, and I thought she was beautiful. I'm sorry. You're talking like an old man who uses a female avatar in a game. 16 The feminine form is what he looks like when he's looking for the blue higanbana. Fan book wife 21 >>16 Why do you dress up as a woman then? 25 >>21 I've heard that they dress up as geisha and listen to the customers. 58 25 >>25 He didn't just have his men do the research, he did it himself. 499 >>25 I can't help but imagine Mu...

Sumijiro: "My sister became a demon! I: "That's terrible" Priestess: "But I can live without food

 1: The Nameless Reader (Translated by.) Priestess: "Just sleep instead of eating and you'll be fine. In addition, I can communicate normally, and if you want, my combat power will go up a lot. I said, "Why don't you just stay a demon?6: Nameless reader (Translated by...) It's a human's upward compatibility, isn't it? 3: Nameless readers (Translated by...) I guess they're sucking up something from the air just because we can't see it. 7: Nameless Reader (Translated by...) I'm about to get burned by the sun on the way... 12: Nameless reader (Translated by.) It's possible that there's a nutritional drink in that bamboo tube. 16: Nameless Reader (Translated by.) I'm pretty sure it's going to go out of control in the not too distant future though, don't you think? 14: The Nameless Reader (Translated by.) The worst thing is to be thoughtlessly bugged. 17: The Nameless Reader (Translated by.) There was a woman who could turn into ...

Blade of the Demon] Sumijiro "Purgatory-san is great! Wai: "I understand" Sumijiro: "Purgatory-san is unbeatable! ←What?

  One. Even if Mr. Purgatory was more awesome and didn't let anyone die, he'd still be losing the game... 3 If you say you didn't lose because you didn't let anyone die, you're changing the subject... 6 And even if he didn't let anyone die, he was fighting the bottom one, and Akaza doesn't know that. 11 If you didn't die, protected the passengers, and got rid of Akaza, then you won without question. 53 At least if we had gotten rid of him after he was wounded... It's a pity that the reason for our retreat is the sun. 58 >>53 Because the sun is an unconditional defeat. 33 Purgatory lost the battle and won the war. 28 The demon squad is fighting at night when they're at a disadvantage! ← You're just too incompetent to find them in the daytime, right? 54 >>28 If you find them in the daytime and destroy the building, you win. 32 Mr. Purgatory was the last one to respond! So you didn't lose! 85 Lesbah Judge Sumijiro 35 The Reshba j...

[Chainsaw Man] Isn't it strange that the Chainsaw Devil is exceptionally strong? [Chainsaw Man] Isn't it strange that the Chainsaw Devil is exceptionally strong?

  One. Why? Three. It's not right that it's stronger than a gun. 10 It's too different, like erasing your existence. 6 Because chainsaw = scary image 49 Because of horror movies. I like movies. Movie buff, splatter style, chainsaw. Obviously you're a fan of "The Devil's sacrifice". 227 There's no such thing as an enemy that uses a gun in a horror movie. 289 The only famous movie with chainsaws in it is Friday the 13th. It's not really about fear. Twelve. It's because they've been eating demons. If you eat a demon with a gun or a strong demon, you get stronger, right? 20 >>That's what I'm talking about. 343 343 >>12 I don't know if it's the same thing, but I'm not sure. Why does the concept of the demon disappear when eaten by a chainsaw? 16 "I thought it was because the demon was afraid of him. 18 >>16 That's it. 26 It's also because he was feared by all demons, but I think he got stronger ...

[Too bad] Onimitsubaki's market size is about to reach 1 trillion yen!

 1 TV broadcasting is no longer the constellation that makes a work shine the brightest. The economic sphere of "Blade of the Demise" can be estimated as follows. The comics sold a total of 3 million copies at the end of November 2018, before the anime. At the end of November 2019, after the broadcast and distribution of the anime, the total sales will be 25 million. It had revenue of about 10 billion yen in 2019. When the Corona disaster caused a boom, the number of copies sold by the end of November 2020 was 125 million, almost five times that of the previous year. This means that in 2020 alone, comics revenue will have increased by 44 billion yen. Novellas (novels) will also increase from 800,000 copies at the end of 2019 to 5 million copies at the end of 2020, generating 2.8 billion yen in revenue. That's a revenue of 2.8 billion yen. The CD of the theme song "Benirenka" by LiSA will be released in July 2019 and 2019,...

It's like "Naruto," a manga that somehow never had a single bad guy in it.

1 : 2020/11/26 Thu 20:13:07 ID: NTsFpVZqa Even the villains are all good guys somehow. 2 : Thu, 26 Nov 2020 20:13:34 ID: NTsFpVZqa No one is truly evil at heart.   3 : 2020/11/26(Thu) 20:13:50 ID:/9xtXtI10 Kakuto   5 : 2020/11/26(Thu) 20:14:14 ID:NTsFpVZqa >>3 Did you actually do anything wrong?   4 : 2020/11/26(Thu) 20:14:03 ID:aSW+dd16r Mizuki   7 : 2020/11/26(Thu) 20:14:31 ID:NTsFpVZqa >>4 He's not a bad guy, he's a little villain.   6 : 2020/11/26(Thu) 20:14:17 ID:uFl38IsX0 He's a scumbag, but he's not evil!   9 : 2020/11/26(Thu) 20:14:49 ID: NTsFpVZqa >>6 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.   8 : 2020/11/26(Thu) 20:14:37 ID:Zu8oZTYL0 It's much better to do it with malice in mind. ......   10 : 2020/11/26(Thu) 20:14:53 ID:0A55zEowr I'm not sure what to say.   12 : 2020/11/26(Thu) 20:15:27 ID:NTsFpVZqa >>10 He's usually a good guy. I don't know if you've seen the final war chapter or someth...

[Good news] Naruto's drawing ability is plainly too good.

  1: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:05:46.26 I don't think there's anyone at this level in the weekly magazines right now. 3: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:06:57.58 Isn't this part of the job of an assistant? I think it's Okubo-kun. 8: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:08:21.54 Kishimoto's composition is amazing. 9: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:08:28.24 I don't know if it's because the pictures are too beautiful or because they're too quirky. 18: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:11:46.44 I heard there's a goddamn manga that has all the elements of NARUTO's success poured into it. 44: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:19:27.15 NARUTO is already different on the first page, from the preposterous. 45: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:19:58.58 Too good. 46: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:20:22.94 >>45 Once again, you're fucking good. 51: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:21:19.70 This is what writing is all about, right? 53: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:22:19.32 Of course the writing in the city is done by an assistant. 61: 2021/10/04(Mon) 03:24:09.21 I'm not su...

Naruto: Kakashi-sensei: "There are kids younger than you and stronger than me in this world" ← Turns out who he was referring to after all

  15: Saturday, October 09, 2021 19:20:29.06 Well, I just want to say that the world is a big place, so I don't need to recover this line itself. 16: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:20:40.24 You're reading this while sharing the entire world of the manga? 19: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:21:07.74 Arale! right? 22: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:21:50.79 Grass 28: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:22:26.00 In the end, there wasn't much younger than Naruto himself. 31: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:22:39.86 I wonder if Kakashi would have really lost if Haku and Kakashi fought. 35: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:23:18.25 I've fought in games, so you know. 40: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:25:07.87 Itachi's age is older than Naruto's in the first season. 44: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:25:30.40 Itachi 45: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:25:57.06 I'm not sure if you're talking about me. 50: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:26:25.84 Aren't you also in BORUTO? 58: 2021/10/09(Sat) 19:27:16.85 >>50 The gutsy bolt salad looks stronger than Kakashi's at this time. 65: ...

[Topic] What is your favorite quote from Anjuro Purgatory in Blade of the Demise?

  1: Nanashi-san 2021/10/06(Wed) 22:33:44.76 _USER9  In "Blade of Extinction", Kyoujuro Purgatory was one of the highest ranking "Pillars" of the Onikiri-tai, to which the main character Sumijiro and others belonged. He is a man with a strong sense of justice and a dynamic personality who has fought to protect many people. The movie "Blade of Extinction The Movie: Infinite Train", which mainly depicts his activities, became a blockbuster movie with a total of 41.35 million viewers and 51.7 billion yen in box office revenue worldwide, including Japan. So this time, we asked, "What is your favorite quote by Anjiro Purgatory in Blade of Extinction? In this article, I'm going to introduce three of the best quotes from Anjiro Purgatory. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. Let your heart burn. After the battle with Kaigen no San (Joiner), he acknowledges Sumijiro and Priestess as members of the Onikiri-tai and tells them to "live with y...

Shocking] "Blade of Extinction" reaches number one in the US. It's selling all over the world.

 1 A narrow victory over Mortal Kombat! 3 Hasn't been No. 1 since Pokémon in 1999. 6 Wow, that's amazing! 7 It's so close! 2 All of America cried. Eight. All of America and Oda cried, so... 11 The forecast had it at number one, but is that confirmed? It's going to be the highest grossing movie of 2020 in the world by the end of this week, but I'm more interested in that news. 18 >>11 Did it surpass the Chinese one? 245 >>11 I'm pretty sure it's already number one in the world. 29 A lot of places are starting to report that Oniketsu is on top. 39 >>29 Looks like Purgatory is the main character. 13 It's a feat that Hiroaka, Dragon Ball, and One Piece couldn't accomplish. I can't believe it. 30 I didn't know it was popular in America too. I'm surprised. 167 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 64 I guess the news that it's selling like hotcakes in Japan made foreigners curious and they went to the theater. 34 Finally. If you think about i...

Sumijiro: "The Last Form! The reason why I didn't do this.

  1: No Name 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:21:23.35 ID: C2yLwnKc0 It's a real mystery. 2: No Name 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:21:33.80 ID: C2yLwnKc0 It's fucking hot.   3: No Name 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:21:41.40 ID: C2yLwnKc0 I can't believe I'm a female author.   5: No Name 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:21:51.59 ID: ADZqi+SMa I'm not sure what to make of that.   6: No Name 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:22:02.65 ID: C2yLwnKc0 You don't know what kind of heat men want.   8: No Name 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:22:11.87 ID: C2yLwnKc0 You could have made a masterpiece just by doing this.   10: No Name 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:22:31.22 ID: 1x81fxiG0 I'm not sure what to make of this.   12: No Name 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:22:40.16 ID: VHd3UdCV0 There's no such thing as understanding, is there?   13: No Name 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:22:47.39 ID: C2yLwnKc0 You really have no taste.   14: Mr. Nobody 2021/10/11(Mon) 19:22:55.52 ID: PJI1JwT9a I thought it was coming when I saw the 13th type.   15: No Name 2021/10/11(Mo...

Good news] "The Blade of Extinction: Infinite Train Edition" reaches 40 billion yen at the box office!

  1: Nameless reader (Translated by...) You've become the pinnacle of Japanese cinema, both in name and reality.   3: Nameless reader (Translated by: ω・´) Congratulations, Purgatory! 129: Nameless reader (Translated by: ω・´) The first 400 in Japanese cinema. 62: Nameless Reader (Translated by) That's amazing. 112: Nameless Reader (Translated by) You finally did it... This is amazing. 42: Nameless Reader (Translated by: ω・´) It's amazing. 10: Nameless reader (Translated by...) Shueisha should just become a movie company instead of selling manga. I guess they want to make money from merchandise and corporate collaborations anyway.   27: Nameless reader (Translated by.) >>10 It's Sony that's making the money. 63: Nameless reader (Translated by...) Sony is making a lot of money. 89: Nameless reader (Translated by.) >>63 Anipres, man.   110: Nameless reader (Translated by...) >>89 It's under Sony. 116: No name readers. 40 billion. You're going c...